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3 Ways to Stop Bullying at the Source

How you can help prevent your child from taking part in this toxic interaction.


Bullying in children is often a sign of issues with emotional regulation, anger management, or self-esteem. Yet, many parents are completely surprised to find that their child has been bullying. Here are three ways you can reduce the likelihood that your child will become a bully:

       1.Provide a safe space.
While it can be hard to empathize with your child’s emotions at times, it’s important not to dismiss or invalidate them. Instead, encourage your child to express how they are feeling (either to you, through writing, or even speaking to a favorite toy), then give them resources to cope.

       1.Offer alternatives.
Alternatives to unhealthy interaction include things like exercise, crafts, fidget toys, journaling, meditation, and other safe ways to process emotions.

       3.Set boundaries.
Make it clear that it’s okay to be upset; but it’s not okay to hurt others because of it. Encourage empathy by asking mirroring questions like “How would you feel if this happened to you?”.

 In Conclusion
In the end, the best way to prevent bullying behavior is to be a positive example. Avoid yelling when frustrated, calling names, or dismissing the feelings of others in front of your child. Such examples will only teach them that this behavior is acceptable.

If you feel that your child needs more support, reach out to one of our representatives to learn more about how we can help.

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