Shape of Things

Decoding Children with ADHD/ADD: Unraveling Symptoms, Causes, and Effective Treatment Approaches

Written by Admin | May 16, 2023 4:06:19 PM

Children often give less attention or no attention at all to productive work. However, parents tend to worry if this situation prevails and starts creating disturbing schoolwork. There are chances that these symptoms are signaling something important and sometimes serious. ADHD is one of the leading and most common neurodevelopmental disorders in U.S. children.


According to a national survey of parents, 6 million (9.8%) children aged 13 to 17 are dealing with ADHD (data extracted from 2016 to 2019). A 2023 statistic by SingleCare suggests that 6.1 million U.S. children are experiencing ADHD/ADD, and the number of ADHD cases is rising.


This detailed article will decode the queries accompanying ADHD, explore its underlying causes, shed light on symptoms, and suggest effective treatment approaches. By understanding this disorder, we prioritize offering valuable and insightful guidance and helping people relish fulfilling lives.


What is ADHD?

ADHD serves as an abbreviation for Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. It is a chronic neurodevelopmental disorder in children that often persists into adulthood. This brain disorder influences the individual's attention and affects concentration and productivity.


ADHD is more commonly diagnosed in boys than girls. It is often diagnosed in the early years of children's schooling when they suffer from hyperactivity, inattention, and impulsivity. This brain disorder can cause significant disruption in one's life if not diagnosed or treated early. People experiencing ADHD go through many difficulties, such as family stress, failed or complicated relationships, school failure, and depression, which can lead to other problems like substance abuse and delinquency. People with ADHD can lead successful lives if they receive proper treatment and follow a good education plan.

Decoding the Distinction: Is ADD the Same as ADHD

Attention Deficit Disorder is an outdated term used for ADHD. In the 1990s, ADD was changed to ADHD. This neurodevelopmental disorder has been recognized by medical professionals since 1902 and has been referred to by many other names. For example, it was called hyperkinetic reaction of childhood, minimal brain dysfunction, or Attention Deficit Disorder with or without hyperactivity.


Early on, ADD was altered to ADHD (Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder) to stress the importance of other factors contributing to this disorder, such as hyperactivity and impulsivity. The name ADHD was granted by the classification system known as the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual, Fifth Edition (DSM-5).


Decoding the Indicators: Common Symptoms of ADHD

ADHD can start showing its indications in the early years of children. According to a report by DSM-5, several symptoms should appear in the individual before the age of 12 to diagnose ADHD. Given the situation, it is difficult to diagnose ADHD in toddlers as it is hard to differentiate ADHD from active behavior, hyperactivity, or impulsivity in children, which is quite normal at their age.


To diagnose ADHD in children, they should have more than six symptoms, and teens and adults should be diagnosed with a minimum of five symptoms. Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder has been characterized into three types, depending on the symptoms:

  1. Predominantly Inattentive
  2. Hyperactive-Impulsive
  3. Combined


1.   Predominantly Inattentive: ADHD symptoms

Most of the major symptoms in this category of predominantly inattentive comprise inattention. The following are the ADHD symptoms of predominantly inattention:


  • ADHD individuals quickly lose attention and can't hold their focus for a long time.
  • They can't follow instructions and fail to complete their job.
  • They do not listen even when communicated with directly and make careless mistakes.
  • They forget and lose things.
  • They struggle in daily activities.
  • They can't do activities that require mental effort and focus.


2.   Hyperactive-Impulsive

As the name suggests, Hyperactive-Impulsive comprises the symptoms of being hyperactive and impulsive. The following are the prominent ADHD symptoms of Hyperactive-Impulsive:


  • ADHD individuals experiencing this type usually engage in repetitive hand or foot movements or exhibit restlessness in their seating position.
  • They feel compelled to be hyperactive or impulsive in odd situations. For example, climbing or running excessively in inappropriate situations.
  • They struggle to wait or take turns.
  • These people tend to talk non-stop and interrupt others while talking.
  • They utter responses prematurely, even before the questions have been fully articulated.


3.   Combined

This "combined" type contains symptoms related to the other two types, predominantly inattention and hyperactive-impulsive. Most children experience combined ADHD, and the most common symptom in young children is hyperactivity. Adults with ADHD experience symptoms like difficulty meeting deadlines, excessive work stress, restlessness, and sudden and recurring mood swings.


These symptoms can change over time and vary in every person. Moreover, adults who exhibit some symptoms of ADHD that were present during their childhood but not all of the symptoms can receive a diagnosis of ADHD in partial remission. This suggests that while they may still experience residual ADHD symptoms, their condition has improved compared to childhood.

Decoding the Origins: Causes of ADHD Development

ADHD is a complex brain disorder, and its causes are yet to be identified or confirmed. Extensive research has been conducted on the causes of ADHD, and broad answers have emerged. According to CHADD, similar to most mental health disorders, it is believed that a combination of biological, social, and psychological elements influences ADHD.


Many studies conducted suggest that it is an inherited disorder and runs in families. However, ADHD is a multifaceted condition that arises from the interaction of numerous genes. These genes may be linked to specific neurotransmitters or chemical messengers in the brain that control and influence impulsivity, movement, and the brain reward system, such as dopamine.

Decoding Potential Influences: ADHD Risk Factors

Many things and events can aggravate or worsen ADHD. Many scientists have linked ADHD to environmental factors and concluded that the following factors could contribute to an increased likelihood of ADHD:


  • Exposure to lead during childhood
  • Being subjected to pesticides in early developmental stages
  • Premature birth or low-weight birth
  • Subjected to brain injury


Ongoing research by scientists explores the precise connection between ADHD and environmental factors. However, they emphasize that there is no singular cause that accounts for all instances of ADHD, and multiple factors likely contribute to its development. Moreover, scientists have also identified certain factors during pregnancy that can increase the risk of ADHD, such as:


  • Drinking
  • Smoking
  • Poor nutrition
  • Infection
  • Substance abuse



Family and parent behavior DOES NOT cause ADHD, but it does influence the control of ADHD. The right and appropriate behavior of family members can help individuals with ADHD move toward normal lives. Family stress and conflict can aggravate this disorder and result in other problems like antisocial behavior. Other factors can worsen this disorder for some children or adults, such as:


  • Having excessive screen time
  • Consuming an excessive amount of sugar in the diet
  • Children hailing from economically disadvantaged households or those experiencing a decline in income face an increased likelihood of having ADHD.
  • Children who consume a diet rich in fats and sodium while lacking fiber and omega-3 fatty acids exhibit an elevated risk of developing ADHD.

Decoding Progress: ADHD Effective Treatment Approaches

Effective treatment involves approaches that tackle the challenges individuals with ADHD face and address the symptoms affecting their daily life. The most commonly recommended treatment for ADHD includes:



1.   Behavioral Therapy:

Behavioral therapies can help people gain control of their attention, improve time management, regulate self-control, and implement organization in their work. Cognitive-behavioral therapy is one of the most effective behavior therapies in treating ADHD. Moreover, it helps individuals refine their social behavior and manage impulsivity.


2.   Parent and Teacher Education

Children interact with parents and teachers the most. The best and most effective approach to treating ADHD would be educating parents and teachers about ADHD. By understanding and learning strategies to cope with ADHD in children, they can create a supportive, helpful, and comfortable environment for them. It will assist these individuals in improving their behavioral skills and academic performance and managing their symptoms.

3.   Supportive activities:

Participating in supportive activities like joining support groups, engaging in related activities, and encouraging coaching and accommodation can help people with ADHD overcome their symptoms and work toward improving their lives. Whether at school or the workplace, participating in supportive interventions can boost their confidence and provide a positive environment to freely work on themselves.


4.   Lifestyle Modifications

A healthy lifestyle is the key to a healthy and content life. Making healthy modifications in lifestyle, such as eating a balanced diet, engaging in regular exercise, getting appropriate sleep, and implementing stress management techniques, can help individuals with ADHD cope with their symptoms and lead a healthy and meaningful life.


5.   Medication and Evaluation:

Different stimulant medications are prescribed for individuals with ADHD to improve attention and control hyperactivity and impulsivity. Non-stimulant medications may be recommended for individuals who cannot tolerate stimulants or do not respond to them. However, it is recommended to first visit your doctor for evaluation and a prescription.



People with ADHD experience its effects "throughout their lifetime." This shows that ADHD symptoms frequently persist from one life stage to the next and have an impact on several facets of life within each particular phase.


It's important to note that treatment plans should be tailored to individual needs, and a comprehensive approach that combines medication, therapy, education, and support tends to yield the best results.

Concluding words:

Understanding and decoding ADHD requires a comprehensive approach that encompasses awareness, education, and effective treatment strategies. By delving deep into the symptoms, causes, and treatment options for ADHD, we can raise awareness and create a positive environment that supports individuals who are affected by it. Through behavioral therapy, education and support for parents and teachers, participation in supportive activities, lifestyle modifications, and appropriate medication, individuals with ADHD can lead happy and successful lives.


It is crucial to recognize that ADHD is not a reflection of intelligence or character but a neurodevelopmental disorder that can be effectively managed with the right support and interventions. By promoting understanding and empathy, we can create a society that values and supports individuals with ADHD, enabling them to reach their full potential and lead fulfilling lives.


Remember, if you suspect that you or your child may have ADHD, it is important to consult with a medical professional or qualified healthcare provider for an accurate diagnosis and to develop an individualized treatment plan.